Saturday, 4 October 2008

RUNIC MOON (nordic musick)



Original Issue: 1992 ECM (ECM 1464) Buy it here!!!


Margot-meter: 5 moons / 5


1 Darkwood I (2:21)
2 No Place Like Nowhere (4:39)
3 Fables (5:04)
4 Darkwood II (1:19)
5 Lament (2:50)
6 Two Or Three Things (4:43)
7 Indiana India (3:24)
8 Totem (2:13)
9 Psalm (2:23)
10 Choral (4:05)
11 The Bell (2:39)
12 In November (4:28)
13 Darkwood III (3:18)


from Amazon:

Forget Darling's new age dabblings -- this CD and the work he had done with Bjornstad and others (The Sea and The River) on ECM is intensely brooding and beautiful.

"Choral" is simply one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've heard in the last ten years -- it rivals Arvo Part's work in austerity and beauty.


Totentanz Total said...

Hi there! I'm interested for a blog-link-exchange with your blog. You have really great rarities..

Best wishes!

Totentanz Total said...

Thank you! Now you are linked too! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello! I found your blog really amazing and I would like to join to the mailing list, but the thing is that I don't find the link... I would appreciate if you can help me to discover it. Thanks a lot and grettings from México.

Anonymous said...




Margot F. said...

just compile the form at the bottom of the blog main page (or post a comment with your e-mail address)


Margot F. said... of my favorite avatar ever

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! margot!


galaxy san juan said...

thanks again, margot!

Anonymous said...

this sounds alluring, anything arvo part-like, and cello, is certainly worth hearing.. love any of the deep bowing cello especially mixed with ambient or daubed with loops.. anything with a bryars' or basinski backdrop.. exceptional postings continually flourish on this esoterically wonderful blog, beautifully informed as well.. terrific, and many thanks.... a.

Anonymous said...

Very very relaxing slow music, ideal for a fast world. Thank you.

wxl said...

another fantastic post. damn, margot, how do you do it? i've heard a lot of cello music but there's something otherworldly about this that sets it apart. absolutely love it.

my friend is familiar with David (i wasn't) and suggested the collab "Eos" with Terje Rypdal.. if ya'll are holdin', please do some postin'!

Anonymous said...

i would like to listen to some of this music, thank you for making it possibleh

Anonymous said...

I am very interested in hearing this music. You have amazing taste with your other posts.